This is the continuation and conclusion of The Letterman Podcast’s first conversation with Robert Morton. In this episode, both Mike and Don Giller get the chance to ask Morty all sorts of questions and discuss many points about Late Night/Late Show, and the business that surrounded the programs. What was it like during the negotiations leaving NBC? Who at one time was considering buying Worldwide Pants? And is it ‘Late Show,’ or ‘The Late Show?’ These topics, and many, many more are discussed in this fascinating behind the scenes palaver that will delight any enthusiast of David Letterman and Company. This release date of these episodes marks 8 years since David Letterman left the airwaves of Late Night, and the marking of the year Morty turned 70. We love how Dave has evolved, and we asked Morton who he would like to see Letterman interview long form (Tom Snyder style) in a future episode of ‘My Next Guest Needs No Introduction.’

The Letterman Podcast would like to once again say #Thanksdave for all the years of insight and entertainment, and wish you the best of luck with all your new endeavors this coming year and beyond.

As always, The Letterman Podcast is brought to you by Rupert Jee and the Hello Deli. If you go to you can still find all sorts of Late Show Merchandise.
